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HomeNewsCampbell RiverCouncil mulls downtown parking changes, including meters

Council mulls downtown parking changes, including meters

Longer parking limits may be soon be back along Shoppers Row.

Downtown Business Improvement Association Chair Heather Gordon Murphy asked the city to increase the limit from one to two hours. While discussing it Thursday night, most councilors were in favour of the idea, but Mayor Kermit Dahl pointed out the limit was decreased in the first place by a previous council at the request of downtown businesses.

Councilor Tanille Johnston suggested a hybrid of free and paid parking could be the answer.

“I think we need to take a comprehensive look at parking downtown and how we’re approaching it,” she said. “Happy to experiment with the two hours, my kind of feeling leans more  towards first hour free,  second one’s a quarter, or something, starting off nice and easy and seeing how it goes.”

Council directed staff to report back with details about which areas will be affected if the limit is extended, and when the new rules could come into effect. Staff confirmed downtown parking is definitely going to be part of the discussion when the new Master Transportation Plan is reviewed later this year.

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